Confidential Client
Office Renovation – ABC Wings
This office renovation encompassed the modernization of an existing 1946 research and development building. The space is adjacent to recently renovated R&D laboratories at the client’s main campus. The 15,407 square foot, 2-story facility houses R&D management offices and support spaces, in addition to supervisory personnel and their laboratory staff. This project was fourth in a multi-year master plan for the renovation of this R&D laboratory facility. Design activities for this office renovation were coordinated with adjacent laboratory renovations.
Conference rooms with audio/visual systems were also a part of this renovation. The design incorporated cutting edge office space utilization and cultural features for a collaborative workforce and a workplace that encourages interaction. Interior design elements transformed long, narrow corridors into several colorful and connected areas where small and large collaboration spaces and niches provide for a more interactive environment in and around the offices and workstations. Designated color palettes were used to distinguish between the three department wings that occupy the building, enhancing wayfinding and creating a lively and interesting space.
Project Details
15,407 Square Feet
Key Team Members
Mark Diekmann
Amber Duco
Chitra Matthai