Steubenville City Schools
STEM High School Addition
Hasenstab Architects collaborated with Steubenville City Schools to create a new addition to their urban high school campus, the 28,000 square foot Pugliese STEM Academy.
The three-story addition features flexible learning spaces to support Steubenville High School’s STEM and career technical education programs. A newly-constructed sky bridge connects the building to the existing high school.
With programs ranging from aerospace engineering, health informatics, and global logistics and supply chain management, the new STEM school has a focus on aeronautics, agriculture, and other areas of hands-on learning. The facility features a variety of spaces to support these programs, including an aeronautics classroom equipped with a flight simulator, an on-site greenhouse, and a multimedia classroom with studio production space.
The first floor features a maker space that is equipped with 3-D printers, CNC machining, laser cutting/engraving, woodworking equipment, wind tunnel testing, and graphics/printing. New classrooms and student lounge space provide collaborative workspaces throughout the building.
The Hasenstab team focused on sustainability while designing this STEM high school. This facility will seek LEED Silver certification.

Project Details
Steubenville City Schools
Steubenville, Ohio
28,000 Square Feet
Key Team Members
Dennis Check
Greg Chaplin
Philip Erb
Chitra Matthai
Amber Duco
Bill Ahern
Sarah Connors