Enhanced Construction Administration
Our expert engineers and architects are available when projects require construction administration services above and beyond our normal active involvement. This is especially beneficial for projects that are complex, multi-phased or fast-tracked. Construction observation can be critical to ensure quality, project integrity, schedule continuity, and overall construction success. Our goal is to help clients and their construction teams avoid inadvertent design changes, breakdowns in communication and budget overruns.
We have in-house construction professionals who can assist clients that may not have sufficient staff or personnel who are experienced with large construction projects. This provides more on-site presence during construction to observe quality assurance and quality control. We work closely with all parties to help determine that the work is being installed as it was designed.
From construction observation of the building envelope system installation to reviewing the contractor’s construction schedule to other enhanced services throughout the construction process, we will work with you to identify the level of involvement that would best benefit your project. With a construction staff who has extensive experience in both the architectural and construction fields, we provide a second set of eyes to observe the quality of construction and provide resolution to potential issues. Our construction observation and construction administration services are available throughout the traditional build process:
- Consultation with owners and construction teams
- Contract review
- Contractor verification
- Specifications review
- Supplemental technical assistance
- Documentation review
- Document preparation (bid and/or repair)
- Preconstruction meetings with subcontractors and suppliers
- On-site construction observation
- Quality control testing
- Reporting (prestart, during or post-build)
- Specialty materials reporting
- Drawing and specification compliance checks
- Compliance testing
- Inspections
- Progress reporting
- Punch-list preparation
When you engage Hasenstab for construction administration services, we will be available to observe and report on activities to ensure that communication is constant throughout the project. That way, if a question arises, our architects and construction staff will be available to the owners, contractors and inspectors. Effective communication on the jobsite helps keep projects on schedule with few challenges.
Projects that falter or even fail are typically traced back to teams who are not communicating. Teams might be executing exactly as they’re told and are technically correct, but without an eye to the entire project, one mis-communicated change can have a domino effect that impacts the entire build. Hasenstab’s construction observation and administration services are designed to inhibit this type of mismanagement.
Successful projects are traced back to teams who communicate throughout the design and construction process. With an eye to the entire process, our team will be able to identify issues that may occur during construction to minimize potential impacts to the entire build. If you believe your larger or fast-tracked project could use the services of a construction observation team, email us or contact us online to learn more about these services.