Portage County
Emergency Operations Center
Hasenstab Architects was hired by Portage County to provide professional design services for a new 6,200 square foot addition and a 7,800 square foot renovation to its Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The EOC provides a central location where regional officials can coordinate plans and policy while managing emergency incidents.
The addition was constructed next to an existing garage, which was upgraded to provide climate-controlled storage and a drive-thru space that can be used by Emergency Operations Center staff when distributing emergency supplies or administering vaccines.
The focal point of the Emergency Operations Center is a large conference area that provides space for meetings and trainings. The EOC also features a Joint Information Center, which was designed to be used by both EOC staff and media professionals for a variety of functions during an emergency event including television briefings, meetings, and social media monitoring.
Offices, a conference room, and additional support areas are also included in the EOC. Glass partitions provide enhanced natural light and increased visibility throughout the space. Also included in the addition is a storm shelter that can withstand tornado winds.
Project Details
Portage County
Ravenna, Ohio
13,303 Square Feet
Key Team Members
Dennis Check
Eric Beach
Chitra Matthai
Mitchell Bandish
Sarah Connors